Fieldwords and Fieldworks


Interviews and Publications

Book Reviews

“The river speaks through and with Sophie Anne Edwards in Conversations with the Kagawong River. In this field study combining historiographic research, local storytelling, and gorgeous poetic experimentation, we are called to immerse ourselves and listen. Flow with the current, dig your fingers in the silt, heed the warning of its song.” 

— Kate Sikloski, author of Selvege

“Subversive, risk-taking, restlessly immersive, Sophie Anne Edwards’ Conversations with the Kagawong River presents an ecological practice of radical site-specific engagement. Driven by a desire to “fill language with the body,” and informed by local Anishinaabe and settler history, she brings to these encounters with the river an ontological urgency and fierce energy. Here is a bold category-crossing work to cherish and also heed.”

— Don McKay, poet, Governor General winner

”As a settler and ally Sophie has written a creative and meaningful book that … grapples with a decolonial approach to writing about, and with, place … sometimes creativity and art reach places where words — particularly English ones — can’t. “

— Dr. Alan Ojiig Corbiere, M’Chigeeng First Nation/York U


“I really enjoy Sophie’s [early learning] books because they remind me that our land is full of discoveries, and about the importance of returning borrowed items back.”

— Jenn Rowe

"Sophie is a phenomenal, kind-hearted and versatile coach that gives great guidance and training to whomever she crosses paths with."

— Shelba Deer, (Red Turtle Woman, Seed Starting to Break Open Women)

”Sophie’s deep passion and commitment to ecology and the natural world is evident in her ongoing work with children and educators. She has been an awakening to my relationship and connection to the land. ”

— Julie Kelly, Early Years Consultant, Rainbow District School Board