Upcoming events.

Conversations with Rivers, Novel Idea Bookshop, Kingston
Come out to hear the acclaimed and award-winning Helen Humphreys, and me, read from our river books. Q+A, book signing.
The River, by Helen Humpheys

Learning to Listen to Rivers, Workshop
Learning to Listen to Rivers, Kingston
January 16 and 17th
The Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts
Hosted by the Department of Geography, Queen’s U and the Office of Vice-Principal Research
Water has no static boundaries or firm edges. Water moves between solid, liquid and gas. River becomes Lake, a lake feeds a river. Water seeps into land, memory, body and returns to River. Water invites us to understand listening as multi-directional, fluid, multi-vocal, with reciprocal movements and moments.
Indigenous cultures have long known that Rivers and other ecosystems are animate, alive, agential. Science has recently been able to glimpse into these complex communications systems, by using a range of instruments to listen to trees, mycelial networks, ice and other agents.
How do we learn to listen to River? How do we recognize what we observe? How do we enact reciprocity with a river ecosystem? What do various tools, methods, forms, instruments and disciplinary practices help us to hear? What do these not allow us to hear? Together we will dip our toes into these questions through a lively, collaborative, interdisciplinary gathering of writers, scientists, artists, geographers and historians. Join us for conversation, creative prompts along the River, and sharing.
The workshop is free, but space is limited — register soon! Registration is now open!
Please note that in signing up you are committing to participating for the entirety of the two-day workshop.
Guest contributors include:
sophie anne edwards, geopoet: https://talonbooks.com/books/?conversations-with-the-kagawong-river, www.sophieanneedwards.ca
Sebastian De Line, Associate Curator, Care and Relations (Agnes Etherington): https://agnes.queensu.ca/connect/news-and-stories/meet-sebastian-de-line-research-associate-indigenous-art/
Matt Rogalsky, composer, sound artist and musicologist / DAN School/Film and Media: https://sdm.queensu.ca/people/rogalsky-matt
Linsday Borrows, Faculty of Law, Queen’s U: https://law.queensu.ca/directory/lindsay-borrows
Laura Thomson, glaciologist, Geography and Planning: https://www.queensu.ca/geographyandplanning/people/thomson-laura
Laura Murray, Belle Park Project / English/Cultural Studies https://www.queensu.ca/english/people/laura-murray
Laura Jean Cameron, Geography and Planning: https://www.queensu.ca/geographyandplanning/people/cameron-laura-jean
Hugh Christopher Brown, songwriter, musician, producer / Wolfe Island Records: https://www.queensu.ca/geographyandplanning/people/cameron-laura-jean
Dorit Naaman, Belle Park Project / Film and Media Studies: https://www.queensu.ca/filmandmedia/people-search/dorit-naaman

Geopoet in Residence, Queen's U
I’ll be spending a couple of weeks at in Kingston, hosted by the Geography Department at Queen’s University. While there I’ll be co-facilitating a 2-day workshop, Learning to Listen to Rivers, which I’ve been co-designing with Dr. Laura Cameron. I’ll also meet with students, provide talks and engagements for students in Laura’s Geographical Imaginations classes, AND along with the amazing Helen Humphreys (whom I’ve long admired!) give a reading at Novel Idea Bookshop. For more deets, see the events below.

Manitoulin Book Launch
Head over to Split Rail Brewing in Gore Bay for the Island launch of Conversations with the Kagawong River. Enjoy the super locally-brewed, award-winning beer, music by Natalie Edwards, a reading, Q +A, book signing and food!
Early Learning Cafe Online Workshop
An online workshop! In this participatory and hands-on virtual workshop, we’ll dig into ecological engagements with children. Together we’ll explore the voices of natural materials and share our thoughts in small groups. You’ll leave feeling connected and reinvigorated and prepared to engage your children with the natural environment. To learn more or to join, visit the Early Learning Cafe.

Words Aloud - Book reading
Join me at The Ginger Press in Owen Sound, hosted by Words Aloud Festival for a reading from my book Conversations with the Kagawong River.

Keynote + Workshop
I’ll be joining early childhood educators at the annual conference hosted by the District of Muskoka. Along with a keynote talk to the participants, I’ll be facilitating an interactive, hands-on workshop to engage educators to reflect on creative ecological engagements with children.

Wordstock Sudbury
Wordstock Festival - Join me for a reading and panel discussion with Ariel Gordon, author of and Yvon Blommer author of The Last Show on Earth. author of Treed: Walking in Canada’s Urban Forests, shortlisted for the Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award.
To learn more and get your tickets, visit the Festival website.

Book Launch
Vancouver launch at Pyatt Hall, with Steve Collis, Oana Avasilichioaei, Anahita Jamali Rad, and Mercedes Eng